The Browser Exploitation Framework is abbreviated as BeEF Download. It is a penetration testing tool which focuses on the web browser. The amid growing usually has concerns regarding the attacks that are web-borne against clients and even includes mobile clients.
The Browser Exploitation Framework (BeEF) Free Download, unlike the other security frameworks, also allows for the professional penetration testers to assess the actual security posture of a particular target environment through the client-side attack vectors. It looks against the hardened network perimeter and the client system.
Moreover, the browser exploitation framework also examines the exploitability within the context of the one open door, which is the Web Browser. BeEf is also used to hook one or many web browsers and thus use them as beachheads to launch direct command modules and further attacks against the system from the browser context.
The browser exploitation framework (BeEF) is a very powerful security tool. The tool through pioneering techniques is used to provide the experienced penetration tester with the possible client-side attack vectors. The BeEF focuses on leveraging browser vulnerabilities to assess the security posture of a target, unlike the other security frameworks.
This browser exploitation framework project is developed mainly for the following reasons:
- Lawful Research
- Penetration Testing
What is BeEF Project?
This framework project is used to allow the penetration testers to select a specific and particular module in a real-time to target each browser and also each context. Specific command modules are there present within the framework that is used to employ the browser exploitation framework’s powerful yet simple API. At the heart of the framework’s effectiveness and efficiency lies the API. The API, however, functions to abstract all the complexities and also, at the same time, provide facilities for the quick development of custom modules.
The browser exploitation framework (BeEF) is also used to exploit in a web application the cross-scripting (XSS) flaw. The cross-site scripting (XSS) allows the attacker to inject BeEF project javascript code into the vulnerable web page. If we talk about the BeEF terminology, then in that any browser that has visited a vulnerable page is “hooked.” The injected code in the hooked browser then responds to commands that are coming from the BeEF server. The browser exploitation framework server is best in its way as it communicated with the hooked browser by a web-based user interface. This security tool comes with a Kali Linux.
Browser Exploitation Framework Features
The browser exploitation framework comes with the following features:
- The structure allows the addition of custom browser exploitation commands
- API extension allows the user to change the core behavior of BeEF
- It enables the user to for keystroke logging
- It is used for browser proxying
- It includes integration with Metasploit
- It is used for plug-in detection
- It has the intranet service exploitation
- It consists of the phone gap modules
- It is used for hooking using the QR codes
- The social engineering modules are used to spur user response, which includes entering sensitive data and also responding to all the reminders to update the software.
- The restful API is used to allow control to the BeEF through the HTTP requests (JSON format).
Read Also: Havij Free Download – #1 Automated Server Scanner.
Other features BeEF comes with:
- Modules Loaded
This shows what modules are available. When you click on them, they load the particular module in the console area. The console area shows the input and configuration details of the modules The modules are used to provide code that is sent to the browser. The modules require little effort to incorporate into the framework
- Zombies
This is used to display the necessary details of the browser that is under the control of BeEF. All the modules execute within the zombies.
Read Also: Wapiti Free Download – Web App Vulnerability Scanner.
Browser Exploitation Framework – System Requirements
The BeEF project has the following basic requirements:
- Windows 10/8/7, Kali Linux and MAC OSX.
- Ruby9.2 or higher
- SQLite
- The gems listed in the Gemfile Github page:
Read Also: OphCrack Download Free for Windows 10/8/7.
Browser Exploitation Framework – Basic Commands
The BeEF commands are not limited, and these are as follows:
- It is used to change the URL’s of the links provided on the target page
- It is used to redirect the browser of the victim towards an arbitrary site
- It causes the dialogue boxes to appear and then collect the information from the particular user.
- It includes the browser fingerprinting
- It is used to upload from the victim’s device the arbitrary files
- It is used to detect authentic sessions with selected applications that include Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail.
Read Also: dnSpy Free Download for Windows 10/8/7.
Browser Exploitation Framework – Pros
- It has a spotless interface
- It is a great attacking tool
- It includes the API that is used to point and click the attacks
Browser Exploitation Framework – Cons
- The browser exploitation framework wants every browser to have javascript enabled.
- Not newbie friendly and requires proper training and knowhow to be used.
Read Also: Nikto Free Download – Web Server Scanning Software.
Alternative exploitation tools:
If you want to learn how to use BeEF watch this video tutorial. This tutorial also shows you how to install it on Windows and Linux.
Download BeEF (The Browser Exploitation Framework) Latest Version Free
We have highlighted for you regarding the browser exploitation framework project (BeEf). The basic commands and features have been discussed for the easy understanding of the user. Download BeEF The Browser Exploitation Framework from the link provided below: