Download Passwords and Wordlists Collection for Kali Linux (2022)
Download Passwords and Wordlists Collection for Kali Linux (2022)

Password dictionary or a wordlist is a collection of passwords that are stored in the form of plain text. It is usually a text file that carries a bunch of passwords within it. We are sharing with you Passwords list and Wordlists for Kali Linux to download. We have also included WPA and WPA2 word list dictionaries download.

The wordlists that you can get online including the ones that we are going to share for you here are a collection of common and uncommon passwords that were used by real people at least once.

You have the option to create your word list and can even use the ones that are created by others. The word lists are driven out from data breaches like whenever a company gets hacked then the stolen data is either sold out on the dark web or leaked on a certain website like Pastebin.

Using Github you can also download the full version of wordlists. Keep in mind that here we have separated them in the form of alphabetical order to meet Githubs upload size requirements.

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Download Passwords List/Wordlist for Kali Linux (2022 Edition)

We get them using advanced Google search operators. We have found the majority of them from websites that have shared leaked passwords

A wordlist is used to perform dictionary attacks like can be used to crack the wi-fi WPA2 using Aircrack-ng

Aircrack-ng handshake.cap -w /path/to/wordlist.txt

By using this we have cracked 3/10 networks near us. Keep in mind that using password cracking tools takes time especially if being done on a system without a powerful GPU. Moreover, keep in mind that this only works if the password is included in the wordlist. If you use the following kind:


Then you are out of luck. You can go for brute force attack in such cases but it would take a lot of time depending on your computer system.

Download Wordlists and Password list for Kali Linux

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Download WPA/WPA2 Wordlists/Password list for Kali Linux (Latest)

WPA and WPA2 Password List Download
WPA/WPA2 Password Lists Download /Image Credits:
  • In the first step, you need to download using git clone
  • git clone·
  • Then choose a wordlist you want to use cd wpa2-wordlists/Wordlists/Crackdown2016
  • Then decompress (if applicable)gunzip *.gz
  • Finally, merge all text files into one using the below command:

cat *.txt >> full.txt

Download WPA/WPA2 Password Dictionary

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SEE ALSO: Kali Linux Hacking Tutorial for Beginners: Learn to Hack Professionally.

Rockyou Password list

You should also try one of the biggest word lists out there called “Rockyou”. The size of the Rockyou.txt password list is around in the region of 133 MB. It should be fairly quick to be downloaded. It has the most recently used password and pin combinations that users have used on various websites and have unfortunately been leaked.


How to Cleanup Wordlists using bash oneliner

You can clean up wordlists by using bash one-liner. Following are the useful commands that are used for manipulating wordlists

If you want to remove all blank lines from a file or need to remove duplicate passwords then a one-liner is all you need

If however, you have multiple passwords then you can combine them into a large file

  • Remove duplicates

awk ‘!(count[$0]++)’ old.txt > new.txt

  • Sort by Alphabetical order

sort old.txt | Uniq > new.txt

  • Sort wordlist by length

awk ‘{print length, $0}’ old.txt | sort -n | cut -d ” ” -f2- > new.txt

  • Remove all blank lines into one

egrep -v “^[[:space:]]*$” old.txt > new.txt

  • Merge multiple text files into one and save space making it look organized

cat file1.txt file2.txt > combined.txt

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What is a Dictionary Attack?

Download Passwords Wordlists txt

The password dictionary attack is a brute-force hacking method. It is used to break into a computer system or server that is protected by the password by systematically entering every word in the dictionary as a password. Such an attack method is also used as a means to find the key that is required to decrypt encrypted files

In the dictionary; while using words or any derivatives of those words referred to as leetspeak is very common. Leetspeak is the character replacement with alphanumeric and non-alphanumeric characters. A dictionary that is used in such attacks can be a collection of previously collected key phrases or leaked passwords.

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Why are Dictionary Attacks Dangerous?

According to an estimate, about 80% of people reuse their passwords on online platforms like personal banking, social media and even work systems. This surely is a definite way to remember passwords but it leaves you vulnerable to a data breach

If we take an example then all of us are familiar with the Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, his social media account on Twitter was hacked. From here hackers tweeted. The hackers revealed that the CEO’s password had been compromised in the LinkedIn data breach. He was using the same password for Twitter and LinkedIn and other social media accounts

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Such attacks can be harmful to your business. DropBox suffered a similar case like this in 2012 as one of their employees used the same password for LinkedIn as they used for their corporate DropBox account. As a result, they had a theft of 60 million user credentials.

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How to Prevent Dictionary Attacks?

You can prevent a dictionary attack by adopting the following measures

  • The length of the password matters a lot, it is an effective defense against brute-force attacks
  • If you have trouble remembering long passwords then you can make a passphrase. The passphrase is a phrase or a sentence, without or without spaces, usually more than 20 characters long. The words that make up a paraphrase must be meaningless together to make it susceptible to social engineering. Nonetheless, paraphrases are good choices when they do not appear on the list of leaked passwords
  • Blacklisting leaked passwords is another way to secure your organization from falling prey to a password dictionary attack
  • Troy hunt who is a Cybersecurity expert manages the largest collection of leaked passwords on his site called HaveIBeenPwned. Here you can search to find if your credentials have ever been leaked or not
  • Stop the reuse of passwords between different password protected systems
  • Users need to be trained and educated regarding the importance of not reusing passwords. Thus the only way to get rid of this possibility is to blacklist the leaked passwords at password creation.

SEE ALSO: THC Hydra Free Download – Password Brute Force Tool.

Which Wordlist and Password list are you using in Kali Linux?

This page was all about dictionary attacks, a password lists for WPA and WPA2 download and wordlists. The WPA/WPA2 password list txt file can be used to hack wireless networks. We have shared Wordlists and Password lists for Kali Linux 2022 to free download. We have also shared some handy tips on how to stay safe from dictionary attacks and how to use wordlists in Kali Linux.

Passwords List & Wordlists for WPA/WPA2
Shaheer is the founder of SecuredYou. He is a cybersecurity freak and loves anything related to Computers and Technology. Apart from being a tech geek, he loves listening to music and going to the gym.


  1. same things that come with kali

    How about pointing us to something actually helpful like a netgr/spctrum standard wifi password list since so many people aren’t smart enough to change them

    Not a dictionary list with bad capitalization and bad mixes, again. all the same things that come with kali now. but thanks for effort.


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