{"id":11493,"date":"2022-01-03T05:01:21","date_gmt":"2022-01-03T05:01:21","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.securedyou.com\/?p=11493"},"modified":"2022-01-03T14:45:23","modified_gmt":"2022-01-03T14:45:23","slug":"rockyou-txt-rockyou2021-download","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.securedyou.com\/rockyou-txt-rockyou2021-download\/","title":{"rendered":"Rockyou.txt (RockYou2021) Password List Download (Latest)"},"content":{"rendered":"


RockYou, also known as RockYou2021 is a password dictionary list that helps to perform different kinds of password-breaking attacks. It is a collection of the most used and potential weak logins collected from sources like Gmail, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Now you can use the RockYou.txt download to try better combinations and have much better success in cracking passwords.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Different cracking tools are used in the dictionary attack method, in such a case you shall need a word list. By default offensive security has added many dictionaries in Kali Linux<\/a>; this is one of the biggest dictionaries with over 8.4 billion unique credentials.<\/p>\n

What is Rockyou Password List<\/strong><\/h2>\n

At first, it was added in the backtrack, and later on, it was added in Kali Linux 1. This is the first version that was launched back in 2013.<\/p>\n

We have eyes on Kali Linux from born of it, using this is too awesome. You can make your very own dictionary during a cracking attack.<\/p>\n

Use crunch and cwel to create a wonderful dictionary but if you are a newbie and just need to test tools or practice the tool then this one is for you.<\/p>\n

Where is the Rockyou Wordlist located originally?<\/strong><\/h2>\n

Trust us when we say this, you cannot remember its location when you forget it.<\/p>\n

Let\u2019s give you a direction to find the location all by yourself when you forget it.<\/p>\n

To know the location of this use the following command:<\/p>\n


#locate rockyou\r\n#Find .\/ name - rockyou\r\n<\/code><\/pre>\n

Have you noticed that the RockYou file has .gz extension of the file, this is not a normal file this is a zip file either you can see content from this or use it.<\/p>\n

The zip file is not useful anymore, therefore you need to extract or unzip by the following commands:<\/p>\n

#go to: \/usr\/share\/wordlist\/\r\n#now run: gzip -d rockyou.txt.gz\r\n<\/code><\/pre>\n

ALSO CHECK:<\/strong> Latest Google Dorking Commands List (PDF Cheat Sheet).<\/a><\/p>\n

RockYou2021 Breach: Biggest Data Breach of Passwords Ever<\/strong><\/h2>\n


The largest password collection has been leaked on a popular hacker forum. A forum user has posted a big 100GB TXT file which carries around 8.4 billion entries of passcodes which are assumed to be combined from previous data leaks and breaches, according to the news reports<\/a>.<\/p>\n